
Wrinkles are like tree rings.  I’ve got one for each year I’ve been alive.

No…seriously.  I counted the wrinkles around my eyes.  Each eye has 23 character lines wrinkles.  I turn 46 in one month.  Coincidence?  I think not.

If I were a Shar-pei puppy I’d be very much sought after!

Wrinkles run in my family.  All of my “old” relatives have lots and lots of wrinkles.  My Grandma had the most amazing wrinkled face.  I love wrinkled faces.  They have so much weathering.  So much character.  So much wisdom.  So much of life already lived in them.

I see a wrinkled face and think life is good.  No….life IS good considering the alternative.

At least…the alternative for unbelievers.  Not so much for the believer.

I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.  Phil 1:23

Do you think we’ll have wrinkles in Heaven?

I do know one thing;  My Savior will have scars.

Father God, Thank you for wrinkles.  Thank you for wisdom.  Thank you that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Thank you for providing a place for us sinners when we die.  Thank you that you are not a distant God, but active in our daily lives now and at our death.  Thank  you for the promise of Heaven.   All because of Your Son, Jesus.   In His name, Amen

About lifevine

Hi! My name is Amy. I am a former atheist and, for a season, practiced witchcraft. God drew me out of darkness 20 years ago and gave me the spiritual gifts of knowing and faith. He gives me daily encouragement and affirmation and I hope to share Him with you. If you have not yet met the one true God, His name is Jesus Christ, and may I be the first to introduce you to Him? He is the Restorative Savior God promised Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago (Genesis 3:15) after they had sinned in the garden, bringing separation from God because of disobedience. It is rightly reported that a little over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem Jesus was born of a virgin (for you), lived a blameless perfect life (for you) in and around Jerusalem, died on a cross on Golgotha for (you) the world's sin, and 3 days later rose again (for you). YES! ROSE AGAIN! AMAZING! Please get baptized in His name, and walk in an eternal restored fellowship with Christ. You can get to know Him by reading, marking, and inwardly digesting His Word.... His Holy Bible.
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2 Responses to Wrinkles

  1. Leslit Sith says:

    I am an amateur painter and would love to use your grandmother’s photo (10/13/11) as a reference photo. May I ask your permission?

    • lifevine says:

      Dear Leslit Sith, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. The photo is not of my Grandmother, but of an old woman with wrinkles in general. I found that photo on the internet. I’m not sure if it is copyrighted or not. Blessings on your painting. I love to paint, too.

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