
Do you really think that you have chosen Me?  Have you made a decision to follow Me and that is what your faith rests on?  Is your faith resting on your decision?  It will crumble.  My Word says, “You cannot come to me, unless the Father makes you want to come.  That is why I have told these things to all of you.”  “I chose you, you did not choose Me.”  You are searching for ‘The Ultimate Experience’ when you have already been found.  You are searching for an emotional high when I am the Word.  You are searching for many things because your faith is based on you.  You cannot find what you are looking for until what you are looking for is what your faith is based upon.  Believe.  It is that simple.  Believe.

“God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith (believes) in him will have eternal life and never really die.”

About lifevine

Hi! My name is Amy. I am a former atheist and, for a season, practiced witchcraft. God drew me out of darkness 20 years ago and gave me the spiritual gifts of knowing and faith. He gives me daily encouragement and affirmation and I hope to share Him with you. If you have not yet met the one true God, His name is Jesus Christ, and may I be the first to introduce you to Him? He is the Restorative Savior God promised Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago (Genesis 3:15) after they had sinned in the garden, bringing separation from God because of disobedience. It is rightly reported that a little over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem Jesus was born of a virgin (for you), lived a blameless perfect life (for you) in and around Jerusalem, died on a cross on Golgotha for (you) the world's sin, and 3 days later rose again (for you). YES! ROSE AGAIN! AMAZING! Please get baptized in His name, and walk in an eternal restored fellowship with Christ. You can get to know Him by reading, marking, and inwardly digesting His Word.... His Holy Bible.
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